The market for valve actuators is expected to be worth $125 billion within the next three years. Countless factors are driving the growth of this untapped...
Biomimicry, or biomimetics, is starting to gain traction in the building design and construction industry. It’s a concept that draws inspiration from nature. Biomimicry in construction...
The regular investing route is pretty well-known and straightforward in its methodology. A cache of funds is pooled into an investment vehicle, and its content are...
When you’re looking for quick meals it’s tempting to grab tacos or whatever other fast food meals you can find. Many fast food chains have been...
Are you trying to get your financial life on track? Do you also want to live a more sustainable lifestyle? The two things don’t have to...
There are many things that you need to keep in mind when trying to live a green lifestyle. You don’t just want to focus on lowering...
With the growing concern over the future of the Earth and the damage that we are doing to the environment, we are all looking for ways...
Global warming is becoming a greater concern every single day. People need to be more aware of their impact on nature and the need for greater...
When we hear people boast about the benefits of installing a smart thermostat, the biggest incentive mentioned is usually about saving money on electricity bills. Although...
The market for sustainable companies is growing very rapidly. You can see the growth is particularly strong in some industries. Organic food sales were $3.4 billion...
Many people are passionate about sustainable living. One poll showed that 84% of people think sustainability is an important feature of a home. They recognize the...
California has a great reputation for its commitment to sustainable living. According to a WalletHub analysis, California is the ninth greenest state in the country. This...
Most of us need to travel from time to time. Whether it’s for business, a solo backpacking trip before starting college, or a much-needed vacation with...
Many readers of Blue and Green Tomorrow are interested in our advice on eco-tourism. There are a number of great places to travel if you want...
As sustainability and the eco-friendly movement gains traction, more and more people are looking to reduce their own carbon footprints. One of the easiest ways to...