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Airbus will not leave UK in event of Brexit



Aircraft manufacturing company Airbus has ruled out leaving the UK should voters choose to leave the European Union at the referendum.

Chief executive of Airbus Fabrice Bregier said that the company has “no intention” of leaving if Brits decide at the polls in 2017 that the UK should terminate its membership of the EU.

He said that the company would remain committed to its 16,000 strong workforce in the UK, adding that there were no plans to relocate factories.

The comments come despite Airbus UK’s chief executive Paul Khan saying last month that the company would have to reconsider its options if Britain was to leave the political and economic union.

MPs are currently debating the European Referendum Bill, which will set a timetable and the terms upon which the vote will be held.


With the heat rising on the debate over Britain’s EU membership, more businesses are coming out and declaring their intentions in the event of a Brexit.

Last month, Sir Mike Rake, head of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) warned of the lack of alternatives to Britain’s continued membership, urging businesses to campaign heavily in favour of staying in.

He said, “No-one has yet set out a credible alternative future to EU membership. The current alternatives are not realistic options – little or no influence and the obligation to comply with EU principles whilst still paying most of the costs.”

Deutsche Bank also announced that it had set up a “working group” to consider whether the Frankfurt-based bank should move its British operations to Germany in the event of Britain leaving the EU.


Further reading:

‘MPs should get free vote on extending EU referendum to 16 year-olds’

MPs to debate EU referendum for first time

‘EU is key to national prosperity’, says CBI chief

Deutsche Bank prepares for UK exit from EU

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