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Blue & Green Daily: Monday 15 June headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Great Barrier Reef ‘in danger’, claims legal report

Pope Francis’ climate encyclical could have ‘mayor impact’, says UN

Polar bears are changing diet because of global warming – study

California to cut water for farmers amid major drought


Scottish renewables threatened by government cuts, industry body warns


15 June headlines

Renewable power will overtake coal if climate pledges are kept

Wind, solar and other types or renewable power will overtake coal to become the world’s top source of electricity in just 15 years if the pledges countries are making for a global climate change deal this year are met. Financial Times.


Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate

Pope Francis will call for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality in a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics on Thursday. Guardian.

OECD talks to phase out coal subsidies end in stalemate

Talk on phasing out a form of coal subsidies have ended in stalemate as Japan, the biggest user of the aid, led calls for more time in defiance of this week’s G7 pledge on fossil fuel subsidies. Guardian.


Tony Abbott brags about halting the spread of ‘visually awful’ wind farms

Australia could be leading the world in replacing carbon-spewing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. This is unlikely to happen, though, under Tony Abbott, who has proclaimed coal to be “good for humanity”. Independent.

Wages predicted to increase at fastest rate since financial crisis

Official figures published later this week are likely to show that real wages have grown by their fastest rate since October 2007, according to a forecast by independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. Telegraph.



Interesting picks

Carbon capture and storage – too little, too late, too expensive – Financial Times

Stop using China as an excuse for inaction on climate change – Guardian

The pain of producing a global climate change deal – BBC


The dark side of green bonds – Financial Times

Can the divestment movement tame climate change – BBC

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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