Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 26 June headlines
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.
Ethical investment: using negative screens to avoid ‘sin stocks’ is a thing of the past
Three simple reasons why climate change is real, and humans are causing it
$213bn environmental crime trade ‘funding terrorists and gangs
Investors exposed to ‘unprecedented’ climate risks – report
M&S chief: some investors ‘highly engaged’ on sustainability but most are not
26 June headlines
Prince Charles urges business to come clean on disaster exposure
Prince Charles has urged businesses to come clean about their exposure to natural disasters by telling investors how much of their assets are at risk of catastrophic losses. Such disclosure in corporate financial statements would help “concentrate the mind” and give companies an incentive to improve their resilience, he said. Financial Times.
UK infrastructure neglected and at risk from climate change, engineers warn
Vital parts of UK infrastructure are being neglected, with potentially severe impacts on national competitiveness and quality of life, according to a new study by engineers. Energy networks, transport, waste and water are all at risk, while flood defences are falling well behind where they need to be. Guardian.
UK faces ‘significant’ shortage of farmland by 2030
Britain is running out of land for food and faces a potential shortfall of two million hectares by 2030, according to new research. The report says the growing population plus the use of land for energy crops are contributing to the gap. It criticises the government’s lack of coherent vision on how to make the most of UK farmland. BBC.
Improved communication between experts and the public key to winning battle to curb climate change, claims expert
Scientists need to become more humble an to completely re-think the way they communicate if the battle to curb climate change is to be won, one of the world’s leading climate experts has warned. Professor Chris Rapley said there was a “mismatch” between the state of climate science and the need of society and called for his colleagues to engage using radically different approaches. Independent.
Wonga to pat £2.6m compensation for fake legal letters
Wonga, the controversial payday lending company, has been forced to pay £2.6 million in compensation, after it sent fake legal letter from invested law firm to tens of thousands of customers that had fallen into arrears. The letter gave customers the impression that their debts had been passed on to a collection agency, and threatened them with legal action if they did not repay them. Telegraph.
Interesting picks
What really annoys scientists about the state of the climate change debate? – Guardian
How will climate change affect your wealth? – Motley Fool
The poorest will lose out if fossil fuel investors win – Financial Times
Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages

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