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TED talks: The other inconvenient truth – Jonathan Foley



Jonathan Foley looks at what he calls the “other inconvenient truth” – the skyrocketing demand for food that means agriculture has become the largest driver of climate change and biodiversity and environmental destruction, in this informative TED talk.

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Forley uses clear graphics and photos to demonstrate how dominant humans have become and the extent of our agriculture and its impacts. For example he emphasises how agriculture is putting immense pressure on water resources, particularly when farmland is in dry regions.

The figures in the presentation are stark, for instance the world currently uses around half of the frewhwater that is sustainable, with agriculture accounting for around 70% of this. Agriculture also accounts for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions and land use.

To view this video on the TED website, click here

Photo source:  Jason Wen via Flickr 

Further reading:

TED talks: A park underneath the hustle and bustle of New York City – Dan Barasch

TED talks: How to grow a tiny forest anywhere – Shubhendu Sharma

TED Talks: Can we prevent the end of the world? – Martin Rees

TED talks: your top five featured TED Talks

TED Talks: Seeds of Change – Pam Warhurst

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