Clare Brook, founding partner at WHEB Listed Equities, reflects on a recent shareholder engagement conference in France. Friday February 14 was a propitious day to hold...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
Residents living in flooded areas of the UK have been warned to expect water levels to rise further in the next few days, as more heavy...
Crowdfunding is a democratic form of financing that allows people to direct their money towards projects they consider important, innovative and socially useful. Each month, we...
Three former employees of Barclays bank will face criminal charges for the alleged manipulation of Libor interest rates. The charges take the total number of individuals...
Jeremy Leggett is a leading advocate of clean energy. At a recent Forum for the Future event, he gave an impassioned call to arms for renewables....
BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has slowed down the heartbeats of tuna fish, which in some cases had led to cardiac arrest...
Investors in the US currently have an “incomplete picture” about how companies they invest in affect the political process, according to a new guide that aims...
The system of winds that is responsible for bringing weather to Northern Europe and North America may be changing, new research has found. A study suggests...
The Co-operative Group has launched a new major research drive, in which it is calling on its customers and the general public to help shape the...