Senior Tory MP Tim Yeo has been cleared of lobbying claims and is expected to resume his position of chair of the energy select committee. Yeo...
The UN Environment Programme’s director has called on the private sector and civil society to join forces in the name of sustainability, as climate change negotiations...
The former chairman of the Co-operative Bank has been arrested in connection with a drug supply investigation. In a video obtained by the Mail on Sunday, Paul...
Just 90 companies are responsible for two-thirds of manmade greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report. This includes investor-owned companies such as BP, Royal Dutch...
The Church Investors Group (CIG), an organisation connected with churches across Britain and Ireland, has claimed further success in its efforts to improve the environmental performances...
Cardiovascular endurance in children has declined significantly across the world since 1975, new research has found. A study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions...
BMW has announced a joint partnership with Good Energy, the 100% renewable electricity supplier, to enable its customers to power their vehicles with green energy. The...
The long-running BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who celebrates its 50th anniversary on Saturday. Mark Wilson, a history PhD student at Northumbria University, draws parallels between a 1964 episode and Silent...
A report by ActionAid has suggested Barclays is increasing the number of tax havens it is promoting, despite the bank saying it was changing after...
The World Bank, together with the UK, US and Norway, has launched a new BioCarbon Fund initiative to slow down deforestation through sustainable farming and landscape...