The Met Office’s recently-enhanced VisualEyes™ product will provide Innogy Renewables UK Ltd (formerly RWE Innogy) with forecasts to keep on-site personnel safe and eliminating avoidable weather delays...
A national energy award for a unique solar PV projects has been awarded to National Trust, similar to an art installation set on a hillside in...
Due to the high turnout and overall larger population, the baby boomers had a four million ballot box advantage over millennials at the 2015 General Election, thus...
Waltham Forest became the first local government pension fund last night to dedicate themselves to divest from all fossil fuels. A recommendation unanimously approved at the...
Mark Carney, the Governor for the Bank of England has given a speech at the Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture in Berlin. The Governor considers the financial...
A UK-wide search has begun to find the country’s favourite local green space, which will be nominated and selected by vote from the British public. Do you think...
The World Bank has shaped the Nigerian water sector has persisted with numerous failed water privatisation initiatives for decades, causing yet more controversy. In Lagos, ongoing street protests, global pressure from...
125 plus philanthropic and social impact investors met on Martha’s Vineyard for a two and half day convention with a special focus on communities of colour. The event –...
Looking for some bedroom renovation ideas? Well, make sure you keep the environment in mind. A renovation can have a negative impact on the environment because...
News that 17 philanthropic donors have set up a new $53m fund to aid developing countries in improving their energy efficiency and phase out the use of potent greenhouse...