Last month was not only the wettest December on record, but also the wettest calendar month overall since records began in 1910, while 2015 is the sixth...
The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and Atlantis Resources have today announced that the tidal developer’s next generation 1.5MW tidal turbine, the AR1500, will undergo a...
Vigeo and EIRIS, two established global environmental, social and governance (ESG) research agencies from France and the United Kingdom officially completed their merger on December 22nd,...
Choosing Projects With the Best Return on Investment. We all want to live in a beautiful and well-maintained home, yet it can be pricey to take...
Scrutiny of carbon intensive companies’ reporting could mean an unprecedented number of complaints to financial regulators from environmental lawyers ClientEarth in 2016. ClientEarth has said they...
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has shelved plans for an inquiry into the culture, pay and behaviour of staff in banking. The inquiry was going to investigate...
A leaked paper says flood defences are being abandoned or maintained to minimal levels because of government cuts and could leave almost twice as many households...
Yesterday Prime Minister David Cameron announced a package of more than £40m to rebuild and improve flood defences in the aftermath of Storm Eva. And he pledged...
In 2016, the United Nations will elect a new Secretary-General (the first female Sec-Gen?) and the United States will elect a new President (the first female POTUS?). Scotland,...
Skeptical Science explains what peer reviewed science says about global warming. It divides what the science says into basic and intermediate analysis. This is what the...