It’s the annual bonfire, fireworks, baked potato and sticky treacle fest, a bonfireworkpotatotreaclefest (neologism of the day). This is the 410th anniversary of the gunpowder plot of...
New photos and video released today by Greenpeace Southeast Asia show freshly planted palm oil saplings on deforested peatland where several fires have recently broken out...
Big energy and fossil fuel companies enjoy privileged access to Europe’s top climate policy decision-makers according to a new report analysing data on meetings held by...
UK Green Investment Bank plc (GIB) has today committed £47m of equity to a new £107m Energy from Waste (EfW) plant in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The...
As You Sow recently released a new web tool designed to let investors look up their mutual funds and find the fossil fuel stocks hidden within....
On 27 October 2015, Tomorrow’s Company launch a new report. ‘Tomorrow’s Capital Markets: Investing in what we value’ brings to a formal conclusion the research into Tomorrow’s Capital Markets,...
Today is not only the day we apparently celebrate the torture and execution of a man who failed to blow up parliament and the king in...
It was five years ago today that the first Blue & Green Tomorrow fluttered onto 5,000 doormats across the country. Since then we’ve had a white knuckle...
New analysis from the New Climate Economy shows that raising energy efficiency standards in the G20 and around the world could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by...
People in Britain would most like energy subsidies to be given to programmes that reduce energy waste, a survey shows. The ComRes survey for the Energy and...