Supervolcanoes and the threat they pose to the UK was the most popular story of April 2014, followed by a scientific study stating that it is...
Manmade climate change sceptics often argue that the climate is always changing and as a result human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, is not having...
The Royal Society has produced a short guide to climate science that seeks to create informed conversations. It covers a range of topics, including what changes...
During March 2014 SeaWorld hit the headlines following claims of focusing on profit over animal welfare. The ‘carbon bubble’ investment risk also became news when oil...
The Royal Society explores the impact the sun has had on climate change since the 1970s as part of its short guide to climate science. What...
If CO2 is already part of the atmosphere, why is it important to limit emissions? is one of the questions the Royal Society seeks to explain. CO2 is already in the atmosphere...
During February of 2014 the UK weather and floods continued to dominate headlines but the sustainability of Russia’s Winter Olympics takes the top spot. Sochi 2014:...
The science behind how experts know that the majority of climate change is cause by man-made gases is explained by the Royal Society as part of...
‘Is the climate warming?’ is the first question the Royal Society’s answers in its short guide to climate science. The series aims to create well informed...
As 2014 draws to a close we take a look back on our top articles from January, when storms and flood continued across the UK and...
If the banking sector is to restore confidence and trust it must have “strong, effective and well-informed” management and governance, not just financial resilience, according to...
By 2015 a plan must be in place to enable countries to implement a universal climate change agreement that will help facilitate a transition to an...
Globally wheat yields will see a 6% decrease for every 1C temperature increase, according to new research. The study highlights the impact climate change will have...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
Plans to dump dredged sediment close to the Great Barrier Reef have been fast tracked leading to estimates of damage and risk being underestimated, according to...