Diplomats from some developing countries could occupy the COP17 talks in Durban to protest over the lack of urgency on global warming talks. Charlotte Reid has...
Global targets to keep a temperature rise under 2°C have to be met in order to avoid the impending, potentially devastating effects of global warming, says...
The European environment agency says that industrial air pollution costs billions, in the first attempt to link financial costs to emissions from power stations. Charlotte Reid...
In response to the Government’s narrative reporting consultation paper, a leading body has come out and said that companies should be revealing their pay rates. Alex...
Each week we cover more than just the news as we go deeper on some issues. Following last week’s interview with Philip Booth of the Institute...
John Ditchfield, a managing partner of Barchester Green, spoke to Charlotte Reid about how even though ethical investment is still a growing business Ditchfield says the...
Tech giant Apple is planning a solar power data centre, whilst internet superpower Google is to invest millions in renewable energy technologies. Alex Blackburne finds out...
As global companies start to target some of the world’s poorest countries, with either flat-lining or declining demand at home, concerns have been raised about the...
In the second of three features interviewing representatives from the UK’s leading think-tanks, Alex Blackburne speaks to Reg Platt, from the Institute for Public Policy Research,...
Following reports of the Brazilian Senate planning to slacken forest clearance laws, Alex Blackburne examines the predicament that the Amazon rainforest currently finds itself in. An...
COP17, a United Nations meeting of almost 200 countries will, over the next two weeks, be looking for a solution to man-made climate change. Charlotte Reid...
Scotland has stepped up its ambitious bid to become 100% renewable by 2020 with the announcement of a wind turbine trial, but Alex Blackburne explains how...
Alex Blackburne looks into the idea of regenerative braking, and why the subway system in Poland’s capital is set to use it to power other trains....
Fashion label Heavy Eco has combined sustainable fashion with rehabilitating criminals, with Eastern European prisoners creating their own organic T-shirts and making bags from recycled billboards....
A new report has found that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in 2010 was the biggest yearly figure since pre-industrial times. Alex Blackburne...