As the population of the world is growing, urbanization is developing rapidly in many cities around the world. People living compact in the same area can...
A collaboration has today been signed by leading ocean energy developer Minesto along with the Research Centre for Ocean Energy and Strategies at National Taiwan Ocean University....
Europe’s ocean energy industry released the following statements at a press conference taking place at the Ocean Energy Europe 2016 conference and exhibition today: Rémi Gruet,...
Seven partners from across Europe have formed a major international collaborative project worth €1.8 million is driving forward the development of cost effective components, designed for reliable...
A naval defence and innovative energy company has been announced as a gold sponsor for this year’s annual Ocean Energy Europe conference (OEE2016). French-based DCNS will...
Over the next seven years, the French government intends to push 100 MegaWatts (MW) of installed tidal, wave and floating wind capacity and to have awarded...
Ocean Assets Initiative (OAI) is a non-profit research group for sustainable investment in the oceans. Their Investors’s Guide to the Oceans provides financial & environmental data on over 700 companies,...
Europe’s ocean energy industry will meet with key political leaders at a high level summit in Dublin today to present a game plan for commercialising the...