The third Monday in January, named as the annual day of tree planting, commemorates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his pursuit of...
Over 40% of Brits do not turn on the heating during cold spells due to worries about their bills. And with icy arctic blasts sweeping their...
John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, an organisation that works with charities both in the UK and overseas, has commented on the ‘Shared...
Over £50 million has been raised in finance for charities and business with a social and environmental mission by Ethex, the online positive investment platform. Founded...
The much-anticipated review of three neonicotinoid pesticides that are currently subject to EU restrictions has been delayed until the Autumn by the European Food Safety Authority....
Peter Holbrook, CEO of Social Enterprise UK, has today responded to the Prime Minister’s speech on the ‘Shared Society,’. He said: “It is always welcome when...
Two platform decommissioning contracts for recycling have been awarded to The Veolia and Peterson partnership, at their facility in Great Yarmouth. It is expected to begin recycling...
After a month cycling in Malawi I am well accustomed to the phrase ‘give me money’, given subtle but punchy variation with the addition of my...
Thom Kenrick is Head of Community Programmes at RBS. He leads the bank’s strategy for supporting and engaging with its communities through its customer-facing brands, including...
Over the past several decades, people have begun to realize that the actions they take in their daily lives merge with the actions of others to...
Following the news that in 2016 wind power generated more energy than coal, Juliet Davenport, founder and CEO of Good Energy, the renewable energy company that owns...
Are you the type of person, who travels on a regular basis? While you undeniably enjoy visiting foreign countries and meeting new people, you will always...
The start of the New Year brings about all kinds of fresh starts, one of which can be a fresh new start where your computer is...
Are you a talented and experienced researcher/writer? Would you like to help transform the fashion industry by taking fashion businesses into a more sustainable future? We...
The term recycling machines covers a broad spectrum of machine types and recyclable waste types. They are designed to help businesses deal with their waste in...