The European Environment Agency (EEA) “Trends and projections in Europe 2015” report, published today, reveals that the EU is overachieving its emission reduction target for 2020...
Britain’s leading green energy company, Ecotricity, has launched a third bond as it looks to raise up to £25 million to assist in building more green...
UK regulations which will prevent landlords from renting out the most energy inefficient homes and properties have been honoured in European awards which recognise leadership on...
Europe’s ocean energy industry will meet with key political leaders at a high level summit in Dublin today to present a game plan for commercialising the...
EQi Group is a data and technology company that specialises in resource efficiency management, business intelligence and risk analysis. They have developed the cloud platform, ‘evolution’...
The UK’s electricity market is distorted in favour of supply rather than cheaper demand management and reduction measures. New research has found that British consumers and...
Simon Leadbetter gave a speech yesterday at the The Secrets of Sustainable Business – who cares wins conference. The event brought together ambitious businesses of all sizes and social entrepreneurs to...
Brits are blaming their partners and children for wasteful energy habits, sending energy bills soaring by around £600m a year across the UK. Almost a third...
Stop Hinkley predicts “crazy scheme will collapse under the weight of argument”. The Chinese Premier is about announce, amongst other things, a deal for Chinese firms to...
For the first time, an unprecedented alliance of Heads of State, city and state leaders, with the support of heads of leading companies, have joined forces...
The UN’s chief environment scientist Prof Jacquie McGlade, has criticised UK cuts in subsidies for renewable energy. This follows the government’s decision after election to cut support for...
As the final preparatory round of UN climate talks before December’s summit opens in Bonn, Germana Canzi, International Climate Change Analyst at the Energy and Climate...
A new study reveals that the public have considerable reservations about hydraulic fracture stimulation – or ‘fracking’ – in shale gas. This is consistent with research...
A new report shows that renewables are cutting the wholesale price of energy and lessening the impact of subsidies on bill payers. The report has been published...
In a major win for the UK’s rapidly growing fossil fuel divestment campaign, the University of Surrey Finance Board has just voted to sell its current...