New research from independent comparison website has revealed that landlords keep the deposit of four out of ten students (38%) almost a third (29%) when...
RWM 2016 will become the first exhibition in the UK to recycle 100% of cups in Birmingham at the event on 13 – 15 September. RWM...
The Energy Innovation Centre (EIC) has taken a new innovative approach to bring the needs of the energy network to the market place as these networks...
The 2017 Ashden Awards has been launched today and Ashden are calling for entries, initiating an opportunity for sustainable energy pioneers in the UK, developing countries...
The Environment and Innovation prize was won last night by Lightsource Renewable Energy at the Sustainable Ireland Awards in Belfast. Lightsource won the award for developing Ireland’s...
EQ Investors, the award-winning boutique wealth management firm, today unveiled its new client portal that gives investors a self-service environment with anytime access to portfolio and performance...
A pioneering study by the Wind Energy Institute at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has used wind lidars originating from ZephIR Lidar to show the possibilities...
All facts show that electric heat pumps are the most effective heating system for your home. These systems function as furnace during cold seasons. The good...
Energy related carbon emissions have declined in the United States by over 13% since 2005, a level not seen since Bill Clinton was in the White...
A ‘dual audit option’ for small producers has been launched by SALSA and Soil Association Certification for those who seek to be certified by both bodies. In the...
The BlackRock Investment Institute (BII) state that investors must stop ignoring climate change. A marked increase in climate-related regulations and technological disruption makes it vital to...
The Eurasian Beaver Handbook has been released by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) while a decision on their future is awaited. The handbook is published by...
Sustainability has become a more desirable and broad-ranging feature in recent years, especially among private motor vehicles. Transportation accounts for the majority of daily carbon emissions...
All manufacturers are aware of the possibility of ‘production scrap’ even when all they strive hard for is the production of flawless products. It is a...
World Animal Protection UK have commissioned the first ever assessment of the affects that ghost fishing gear is having on the coastline of Cornwall and threat it...