Chairman of the Local Government Associations Community Wellbeing Board, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, has released the following response to the recent National Audit Office financial sustainability report...
Owning a pet is an enriching experience for millions of Americans. You may have a dog you love to exercise with or a cat to cuddle...
There’s been tremendous growth and progression in the American marketplace over the past decade in terms of eco-friendly goods and services. Currently, one of the biggest...
Ironically enough, many homeowners do more harm than good when caring for their lawns. As a result, they’re actually growing their carbon footprint and negatively impacting...
With energy bills on a steady rise, companies today need to keep a close eye on their costs using monitoring and targeting so they can identify...
It’s that time of the year again when online retailers and manufacturers are gearing up for the merriest and busiest season – Christmas. And while the...
All organizations must follow a certain code of ethics. Without ethics, we lose social responsibility. One sector where ethics is hotly debated is the alcohol industry....
Every year, as much as half of the food we produce across the world ends up as waste. From vegetable crops deemed too ‘ugly’ to harvest,...
The paint industry is turning its cogs to produce more environmentally friendly products – so what should consumers look out for and what are the benefits...
Speaking today at the Hanoi Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade, Environment Secretary Andre Leadsom announced the UK’s commitment of an additional £13 million to new measures tackling...
With the planet warming up at an alarming rate, living in a way that’s helpful rather than harmful to the environment should be a priority for...
Today marks the launch of AkzoNobel’s latest Human Cities initiative in Rotterdam with the support of the city’s chief resilience officer, Arnoud Molenaar, benefitting the city’s...
To make this Black Friday (the bacchanalian festival of commercialism and sharp-elbowed over consumption) greener: lock your door, turn off your phone and purchase absolutely nothing....
New figures have indicated that millions of £5 notes have been donated to charity since their circulation began in September. Research published today by the Charities...
A recent study by Oceana has indicated that if total allowable catches followed scientific advice, EU fish catches could increase 3 times the size, including catches of...