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ECCC Report : Energy Storage Potential & The Need For A Bold Industry Strategy ECCC Report : Energy Storage Potential & The Need For A Bold Industry Strategy


ECCC Report : Energy Storage Potential & The Need For A Bold Industry Strategy



In its last publication before disbanding on October 17th, the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee have published their latest report.

The energy revolution and future challenges for UK energy and climate change policy report’ argues that the ongoing energy revolution, grounded in technologies such as energy storage, renewables, and demand-side response represents a “huge economic opportunity for the UK.” A key conclusion argues that “with the appropriate strategy, policies, and regulatory framework in place, Britain can become a world leader in the green technology sector.”

Dr. Nina Skorupska CBE, Chief Executive of the Renewable Energy Association commented:

“The report highlights Brexit-related “known unknowns” facing the UK including uncertainty around the EU ETS, the Internal Energy Market, and access to major financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank. Given these uncertainties, it is critical that the Government takes basic steps to stabilise investment in the energy sector. The release of the Carbon Reduction Plan would be a good first step.



It is critical that the Government takes basic steps to stabilise investment in the energy sector.


“We welcome the Committee’s calls for energy storage and other low carbon technologies to sit at the heart of the forthcoming industrial strategy. In the interests of continued investment, energy security and the best deal for consumers we urge the Government to take action to resolve the policy barriers to the deployment of energy storage and demand side response identified by this report.

“I would like to thank the committee for their diligence in highlighting to the Government the issues and major opportunities facing the UK’s energy market. Their input will be missed.”



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