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Most Popular News Articles 2015



In 2015 we published  3,545 articles. This is the year’s top 10 news articles according to the wisdom of the Blue & Green crowd. Our own Marbles Awards, Climate Change Agreements, Market Solutions to Inequality, Dale Vince, Shell and Renewables, Amber Rudd and Energy Policy, Antarctica Ice Shelf Collapse, Pope Francis and laudato si’, Consumer Rights Act, Fossil Fuel Divestment and Osborne’s Assault on the Green Economy.

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Blue & Green Launches First Annual Awards: The Marbles

Blue & Green Tomorrow has today launched the Blue & Green Marbles, its annual awards. Next year there will be seven awards. But for the first year to get the ball, or marble, rolling, we are looking for the United Kingdom’s Sustainability Personality of the Year. Read more.

Cameron, Clegg And Miliband Sign Joint Climate Change Agreement


In an unusual move of political consensus the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition have agreed to work together across party lines to tackle climate change. Read more.

Just Index: A Market Solution To Inequality?

Paul Tudor Jones founded the Tudor Investment Corporation hedge fund in 1980, now worth $13.5 billion (£9bn). In 1988 he used his accumulated wealth to found the Robin Hood Foundation alleviating poverty in New York. Today he is focused on the Just Capital, to create an index that rates companies according to the social justice of their actions. Read more.

What The Papers Say. Dale Vince And The Supreme Court


Yesterday’s the Supreme Court decided that the ex-wife of Ecotricity founder can make a financial claim against him. Kathleen Wyatt, 55, took legal action against Dale Vince OBE, 53, in 2011. The couple were married in 1981 and divorced in 1991. Mr Vince is now reported to be worth £107m after founding green energy company Ecotricity in 1995. Read more.

Shell CEO: We Can’t Ignore The Importance Of Renewable Energy

Shell boss Ben van Beurden has told an OPEC meeting that traditional energy sources must integrate and work together with clean technologies to provide sustainable and economically-sensible power for the future. Read more.

Amber Rudd’s Speech On A New Direction For UK Energy Policy


Amber Rudd: “Tough on subsidies. Concentrating on technologies that will deliver at scale. New gas replacing coal. Getting new nuclear off the ground. Reducing the costs of offshore wind. And unleashing innovation to discover the clean and cheap technologies of tomorrow.” Read more.

Antarctica Ice Shelf At Risk Of Collapse

An ice shelf twice the size of Wales depleted by 4 metres between 1998 and 2012 and is at risk of collapse, according to a study by the British Antarctica Survey. Read more.

Pope Francis: Care For Creation, Sustainable Development And Climate Change


Pope Francis will write a letter to 1.2bn Catholics all over the world, emphasising the importance on sustainable living, eradicating poverty and calling on world leaders to address climate change. Read more.

Consumer Rights Act 2015 Comes Into Force October 1st

New legislation will come into effect this Thursday under The Consumer Rights Act 2015. The new rules are set to replace eight current pieces of legislation, including The Sale of Goods Act (1979), The Supply of Goods and Services Act (1982) and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations (1999). Older consumer laws don’t take into account a lot of recent development, such online/mobile shopping. Read more.

World’s Largest Insurance Company Allianz Divests From Coal


The world’s largest insurance company, Allianz announced that it will pull the plug on investments in coal companies and increase investments in wind energy. Allianz is one of the largest financial institutions in the world managing €2 trillion. They estimate the decision will result in a shift of €4 billion. Read more.

Summer Budget 2015: Renewables Climate Change Levy Exemption To Be Scrapped

Chancellor George Osborne has delivered the first majority Conservative government Budget since 1996, including plans to scrap an “out-dated” Climate Change Levy exemption on renewable electricity. Read more.

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