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4 Ways to Upgrade Your Home with Clean Energy

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By Soonthorn Wongsaita | stock photo ID: 526986238



Clean energy is the energy that comes from natural sources that can be replenished constantly. It’s also referred to as renewable energy.  These sources of energy don’t release pollutants into the atmosphere making them healthy for humans and the environment. More and more people are choosing clean energy for their home energy sources. 

It’s a reliable way of eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants in the atmosphere. It’s an effective way of reducing your energy bills thereby putting more money in your pocket.  It requires less maintenance and inexpensive to install. If you’ve been using fossil fuel energy, you can simply upgrade to a source of clean energy suitable for your home. You can use several natural sources to supply your home with clean energy but their availability may depend on the time of the day or weather condition and seasons.

Below are four different ways to upgrade your home with clean energy:

1. Solar Panels

You can generate clean energy into your home through solar photovoltaic panels that will be installed on your rooftop or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. These solar technologies absorb the rays of the sun and convert them into electricity that can be used to power your home devices. Make sure these panels are facing the right sunny direction to harness as much as possible energy for your home. 


You tend to have a limited lower energy supply during the winter and when the sun’s down. You can buy a solar battery solution to store excess energy that you can harness during sunny hours so that you’ll continue having access to energy even when the sun goes down or even on cloudy days. 

If you’re staying in a regularly sunny area, you don’t have to worry about not having solar power in your house regularly. You may also decide to monetize your excess energy by supplying more people’s homes or you can sell it to local power grids.

2. Wind Turbines

People have been harnessing the power of the wind with the use of wind turbines for years. They’re mostly used in large places such as farmlands and estates due to their massive appearance and the space they take up. Nowadays, it’s very possible to have a small wind turbine for powering your home. Small wind energy is available for your home either in the form of a free-standing pole or installed directly on your building.

Wind turbines are quite unpopular in residential areas due to certain downsides. They’re popular for being noisy, take up space, and big visual addition to properties. Also, you have to rely on wind forecasts. Since you can’t predict wind direction yourself, you can connect to a power grid if your turbines don’t spin. 


Wind energy has many benefits to offer to its users. It’s a stable source of power and even produces more power than solar units. It’s a cost-effective source of energy and it can also power massive properties substantially.

3. Hydroelectric System

This is another optimal means of upgrading your home with clean energy. Hydroelectric source of energy uses the power of water in motion to harness electricity to your home. It doesn’t work for everybody as you need to have a vertical flowing source of water around your home so that you can divert some or all of it through a generator or turbine. Depending on the amount of water you can channel, you can use the vertical distance so you can get enough energy for your home. 

The hydroelectric power plant is limited to some places. It’s not advisable to have a hydroelectric power plant for areas that are susceptible to constant drought. The process also has an environmental impact on creatures who uses water as a habitat or source of feeding. 

A hydroelectric system produces power for your home as long as the flowing water is available. It immediately generates power to the grid, making it a more reliable power source than wind or solar source of energy. It’s also effective for flood control.


4. Hybrid Energy

Hybrid energy is an integration of two or more sources of energy in the energy system. It’s clean energy that prompts for a constant source of electricity for your home over a single source. Wind turbines and solar panels are still the most common source of hybrid energy. Most hybrid systems are the stand-alone system that operates off-grid. Meaning, it’s not connected to any electricity distribution system.

This implies that if your home is located in a rural area that’s often short of electricity supply or you just prefer living off-grid, hybrid energy will be very effective in supplying your home with constant energy.

Depending on your home’s location, during the winter when the wind is strong and summer when the sun’s high, when the seasons aren’t favorable for one of them, you get to enjoy consistent energy for your home power needs.


The ways to upgrade your home with clean energy have been enumerated above. Get a competent and experienced technician to check the location of your home to decide the best source of clean energy to power your home. With the right one, you save money on your energy bills and also reduce your environmental carbon footprint.


yan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance and MSN. He is passionate about covering topics like sustainability, green-business approach and high-tech innovations.


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