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What is Sustainable September?



Sustainable September is a month-long exploration of sustainability in all its forms.

The month will bring together interested parties, enlightened investors and consumers, professional service firms, City institutions and managers, leading sustainable businesses, the media, policymakers, philanthropists and thought leaders.

We have a straightforward central format of five stimulating and thought-provoking events. There will be four debates on our core subjects – one per week, covering spending, travel, energy and investment. The month will conclude with a TED-style conference with sustainability’s thought leaders.

While we will arrange and run the five central events above, we’ll be reaching out to various organisations to put together their own events under the Sustainable September umbrella – be those debates, conferences, exhibitions, fairs or something altogether more creative such as a play, piece of art or music or short film. We will promote them all.

Critically, the month will be shaped by you, our readers. As we finalise the agenda and speakers, we’ll reach out to you. Tell us the people you’d like to see and the topics you’d like see discussed. While several organisations are helping us organise and underwrite the month, the bulk of our ideas and funding will come from our readers and ticket sales – essentially crowdsourcing and crowdfunding the month.


The month’s identity will be published tomorrow along with a chance to register for updates and to receive early news on ticket sales. Don’t miss out as tickets will be limited.

Photo: jing villareal via freeimages


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