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Blue & Green Daily: Monday 13 January headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories from around the web every morning. We start with our picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow over the weekend.

Penguins scale cliffs to escape climate change

BRICS: renewable energy and sustainability in emerging economies

Black carbon responsible for melting Alps glaciers

Online shopping could increase transport emissions


MINT economies must learn from the west’s unsustainable past


January 13 headlines

Qatar considers more UK energy investment

Qatar is considering making further energy investment in the UK and has opened the door for British companies to bid for billions of dollars of work in the oil-rich sheikhdom, the nation’s energy minister has said. Telegraph.


Iran to implement nuclear deal as Obama repeats Congress sanctions please

Iran will begin eliminating its stockpile of highly enriched uranium in eight days’ time, after negotiators in Geneva reached an agreement on how to implement the interim nuclear deal reached in November. Guardian.

Big-game hunters in Texas bid for licence to kill one of Africa’s rare black rhinos

Big-game hunters from across America are winding up a four-day annual jamboree in Dallas where the highlight was an auction to raise money to save the black Rhino in Africa. The top lot: a permit to shoot one. Independent.


US bank results set to reignite controversy over City bonuses

Controversy over City pay is likely to be reignited this week when major US banks – including JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs – release their results for 2013. Guardian.

Investment in North Sea oil and gas to rise sharply, say analysts

Investment in North Sea oil and gas production is expected to rise significantly this year, according to an energy consultancy. Some 14 new fields, with the capacity to produce 438 million barrels of oil equivalent are also expected to be bought on stream by the industry. Telegraph.


Coalition energy market reforms will bring cheaper power to the people

The coalition government is challenging the big six energy companies and working to cut prices in the energy market whilst tackling Labour’s “messy legacy”, energy secretary Ed Davey writes. Guardian.


Interesting picks

Reports of cleantech’s demise are greatly exaggerated – GigaOM


Impact Investing: It’s Time – Huffington Post

Owen Paterson has failed to factor climate change into flood insurance – Guardian

Germany’s ‘impractical dream’? – Ecologist

A new voice for investors to drive culture change – Telegraph


How will investors react to climate change? – Earth Techling


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