National Ethical Investment Week press coverage: Tuesday & Wednesday
National Ethical Investment Week (NEIW) 2013 is underway, and a wide range of national newspapers and media outlets have written about some of the themes associated with the event.
Below is a round-up of ethical and sustainable investment coverage from Tuesday and Wednesday.
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How to choose an ethical investment fund – Every Investor
“It’s that time of year when the ethical investment industry seeks to raise public awareness of the ability to invest in a socially responsible manner through its National Ethical Investment Week (13-19 October) campaign.”
Why ethical investments are beating the non-ethical – What Investment
“This week is National Ethical Investment Week, which encourages investors to think about where they put their money and why.”
The six best ethical shares for returns – The Times
“Ethical investing doesn’t have to be hands-off fund investing. Adventurous stock-pickers can also profit with a conscience. For National Ethical Investment Week, we asked two experts to nominate the best ethical stocks: companies that could be held in any ethical portfolio, that are doing significant good in the world, and also have strong general investment cases.”
£12.2bn invested through pensions in green and ethical funds – Employee Benefits
“The amount of money invested in the UK’s green and ethical funds has grown to £12.2 billion, up from £4 billion in 2001, according to the Ethical Investment Research and Information Service (EIRIS). Its research, which was launched to coincide with the UK’s National Ethical Investment Week, from 13 to 19 October, surveyed 2,015 adults.”
Assets of Silsden’s Ecology Building Society pass £120m mark – Telegraph and Argus
“The Silsden-based mutual said total assets had grown from £109.7 million since the end of December, building on last year’s asset rate growth of 6.1 per cent and driven by the popularity of its transparent savings accounts and an expanding mortgage book. The milestone was announced at the start of National Ethical Investment Week and Ecology said it was further evidence of the strength of the sustainable investment sector.”
Health warning: the wages of sin are expensive – Financial Times
“This is National Ethical Investment Week in the UK. Cynics might suggest that it makes a welcome change from 51 weeks of unethical investing. But it does help to shine a light on a discipline that is now established in the investment landscape, and fast changing”.
The green light for ethical investment, but where to start? – Daily Express
“Ethical and green encompasses a range of possibilities from investing in companies that proactively promote social good, such as human rights or community help, to those that generate clean energy from solar or wind, take care of the environment, combat waste and pollution or deal with the impact of climate change. Equally it can mean rejecting certain sectors, for example tobacco or armaments”.
Ethical investing: The principles or profits trade-off – City AM
“We are now mid-way through this year’s National Ethical Investment Week – designed to inform the public that they have sustainable and ethical options in their financial decisions. In recent years, low opportunity cost – driven by low interest rates and the struggle to get capital growth on savings – has led some investors to consider these options, especially those previously of the view that ethical investing involved a principles versus profit trade-off”.
National Ethical Investment Week 2013 runs from October 13-19. Join the debate on Twitter using the hashtag #moneydoinggood.
Further reading:
63% of UK investors want to be offered sustainable investment options
70% of investors don’t know if their investments are ethical
‘Positive’ investment worth £1.6bn in the UK
Survey: environmental issues concern ethical investors the most
The Guide to National Ethical Investment Week 2013

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