Meeting our environmental responsibilities both domestically and with your business has never been more essential. Global average temperatures are rising, Artic sea ice and glaciers are melting and sea levels are rising at their fastest rate in 2000 years.
The construction, bulk materials and production industries are some of the worst contributors to pollution levels and climate change. It is therefore necessary to examine these industries and review their processes to make improvements on their environmental impact where possible.
Dust suppression offers key benefits, depending on the industry you’re operating in. In this article, Let’s take a closer look at 4 reasons why a dust suppression system will make your business more environmentally friendly.
Prevent Contamination of Food and Water Supply
Without effective dust suppression, dust particles can enter the surrounding atmosphere. This will contaminate the soil and pollute water sources. Pollution of the environment is a genuine hazard and a pressing concern for those in any industry.
Dust is a dangerous pollutant, especially considering that plants can absorb harmful elements of dust and animals can ingest it. This accumulation means that the dust enters the food chain and ultimately leads to humans ingesting dangerous particles.
With dust having such a negative impact on the environment, it is our responsibility to ensure we are taking every possible measure to limit its release into the environment.
Water Can Replace Harsh Chemicals
By choosing a system that uses water or a fine mist as the suppressant, you are reducing your exposure to harsh toxins and other chemicals. This protects employees from complex health problems such as asthma, silicosis and lung cancer. These conditions have all been tied to prolonged dust exposure or the chemicals used to suppress it.
It also significantly reduces the risk of the chemical’s introduction to the environment. Identical to the pollution dust causes, the chemicals used to suppress them can enter the food chain and harm the environment.
In addition, using a fine mist as a dust suppressant is beneficial because of the improved efficiency. A mist system consumes less energy and offers better results, compared to conventional extractor fans.
Dust Reduction at the Source is More Energy Efficient
The time taken to clear a room of dust is dependent on the extent of your dust problem. A truly effective dust suppression system stops the dust at the source. This saves you time and more importantly energy. By controlling the dust as soon as it is produced, you reduce amount of man power and energy required to clear up the dust. One solution to this is using a top-rated dust collector that filters any dust particles in the environment.
The energy cost of eliminating a dust particle at its source can be as little as a tenth of the cost of removing it later. This increased efficiency means your carbon footprint will be significantly lower, with fewer energy consuming machines required to carry out the clean-up.
Reduce Machine maintenance – Extend Usable Life
The long term economic and environmental savings you gain from a dust suppression system should not be ignored. As dust is produced, particles can land on machines and inside mechanical instruments, contaminating them. This means many of your machines will have to be replaced sooner compared to machines where a dust suppression system is present.
New machines cost money but are also unlikely to be recycled and will contribute to landfills. By investing in a system, you are reducing your long term economic and environmental equipment costs.
Final Thoughts
Over the last 20 years, consumers have become increasingly aware and educated about the environmental impact of human activity. There is undoubtedly a demand from customers and businesses to be greener. By ensuring your business is practicing eco-friendly processes you are not only saving the planet but helping the bottom line.

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