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Skeptical Science Climate Myths #7: Temperature Records Unreliable



Skeptical Science explains what peer reviewed science says about global warming. It divides what the science says into basic and intermediate analysis. This is what the science says about this myth: The warming trend is the same in rural and urban areas, measured by thermometers and satellites, and by natural thermometers.

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Skeptical Science: “When you peruse the many arguments of global warming skeptics, a pattern emerges. Skeptic arguments tend to focus on narrow pieces of the puzzle while neglecting the broader picture.

“For example, a focus on Climategate emails neglects the full weight of scientific evidence for man-made global warming. Concentrating on a few growing glaciers ignores the world-wide trend of accelerating glacier shrinkage. Claims of global cooling fail to realise the planet as a whole is still accumulating heat. Skeptical Science presents the broader picture.”

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