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UK’s Sustainability Personality of the Year: The Blue & Green ‘Oscars’ – The ‘Marbles’



The antidote to Sports Personality of the Year. In 2016 we will be launching the full Blue & Green ‘Marbles’ awards. Most awards have as many categories as there are sponsors and are often decided by a cartel of ‘experts’. Because of this they tend to be unrepresentative of the views of ordinary people. Blue & Green ‘Marbles’ will be the antidote to awards ceremonies.

The ‘Marbles’, as the Blue & Green Awards will be known, will have seven simple and clear categories covering; individuals, organisations, for profits, not-for-profits, investments, films and books.

We will assemble the long list during 2016. The most frequently occurring names will then form the short list in each category. Our readers will then be able to vote for the winner of each category. Importantly, we’ll be using a form of proportional representation so people can vote in order of preference for more than one person or organisation. Every vote will therefore count.

But that’s for 2016 (anyone interested in headline sponsorship should contact us).

In the meantime, we have consulted a small jury of 12 friends, readers and supporters to come up with a short list of the people we all think have made the biggest difference to sustainability in 2015.


The four criteria for inclusion in 2015 were that:

1) They have played a role in simplifying the triple pillars of sustainability: economy, people and planet – which sadly rules out some excellent single issue campaigners and organisations

2) They are ‘notable’ and well known – e.g. a Wikipedia entry or national press coverage

3) They or their organisation has contributed or been a regular source of content for Blue & Green


4) They are UK-based (for 2015 only, to limit scope)

Specifically, our friends were asked to suggest people who: “have done more than anyone in 2015 to simplify sustainability and make it easier for everyone to live sustainably.”

Read the full short list and citations here.

And then the decision on who has made the biggest difference is yours. Vote now.


The nice people at 3D Investing and ArBolivia have sponsored this year’s award.


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