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5 Green Living Hacks For Improving Indoor Air Quality

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Green living is becoming more popular for many people. However, it does not come easily for most people. One poll by Pew Research showed that 66% of the population will need to make massive changes to live more sustainably. This includes making changes to how they improve their air quality.

Green Living Tips to Boost Air Quality

It is common for people to take the value of their indoor air quality for granted. Generally, we think that indoor air is better for us than outdoor air, but as the World Health Organization Points out, it can be just as polluted, and poor air quality in your home can lead to major diseases such as pneumonia, fibrosis, asthma, allergies, and irritations.

Many green living experts have talked extensively about the problems that indoor air can create. The Green Living Guy has some great advice on fixing them.

The right systems, and the correct maintenance of these systems, can easily eliminate some, if not all, of these pollutants including pollen, dust, pet hair and dander, and smoke.


Here are some of the tips that will aid you in maintaining clean and healthy air at home.

Improve Ventilation

Consistent airflow within your house is important as it ensures that stagnant air is pushed away, creating space for fresher, cleaner air. You can always ventilate your home by opening your doors and windows, although this is not always an ideal or practical solution. Opening doors can also introduce polluted and unpleasant city air to your living space.

The best option to ventilate your home is to use a trickle ventilator. These ventilators work by allowing constant airflow into your house. They are designed with filters that discard impurities from the outside air and are easy to fit into your current space.

You can also consider Whole House Air Ventilation. Eco Friend points out that these systems are great for sustainable living.


Regularly Replace Filters

For homeowners with HVAC units, stuffy air within your house might be puzzling. This problem is generally caused by old AC filters, which can be resolved by either replacing them yourself or calling a HVAC maintenance company like Sullivan Oil & Propane to help reduce air triggers. Experts recommend that air filters be regularly changed in order to maintain a high quality of indoor air. Inspect your filters monthly to determine their cleanliness, and replace as needed to ensure a thorough and effective filter between allergens and your household.

Keep Your Home Clean

Regularly cleaning your home can help to reduce dust accumulation throughout the house, and can remove other household allergens as well, namely pet hair and dander. These are some of the most common household allergens and often responsible for sicknesses such as asthma. Although cleaning regularly helps to remove these triggers from your house and carpet, clean filters also required to ensure anything stirred up into the air is filtered out of your living environment.

Avoid Volatile Organic Compounds

Today, volatile organic compounds have become increasingly popular. From paints and plastics to aerosols and cleaning chemicals, some of these are even used daily. These compounds can be unstable and most release toxic particles into your living spaces. To avoid them, you should lower your paint and cleaning chemical usage. You can also seek ways to dispose of plastics and aerosol cans to prevent them from affecting your health.

Prevent Mold Growth

Excessive moisture in your home will likely promote the growth of mold. Mold thrives in humid conditions and can fill your indoor air with dangerous spores. These spores should be taken very seriously, especially if growth is found within bedrooms, as prolonged exposure can cause increased allergic reactions and illnesses.


Improving Air Quality is a Crucial Part of Green Living

Green living is a challenge for many people. One of the biggest hurdles is making indoor air quality better. Fortunately, the steps listed above can make a big difference.


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