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Ashden Awards finalists: TGV Hydro



On June 11 the success of the renewable energy industry will be celebrated at the Ashden Awards. We asked this year’s finalists to tell us about them, their achievements and the changes they would like to see. Here we take a look at TGV Hydro.

Tell us who you are? 

TGV Hydro – part of The Green Valleys, a social enterprise supporting communities to take action on climate change.

What does your company or organisation do?

We design and build microhydro schemes across Wales for communities and farmers – harnessing water and hills to make renewable power.


Give us some bullets on achievements, lives affected, emissions reduced, etc,

Designed 73 schemes, got permission for 35, and built 20 schemes –  1.5 megawatt (MW) output, 2,800 tons carbon saved annually and created 13 green jobs.

What would winning an Ashden Award mean to you?

Recognition of five years of hard work for the extended team, and a chance to help take The Green Valleys philosophy to a wider audience.


If you were in charge globally for one day, what one sustainable change would you make?

Introduce a global carbon tax so that every Watt generated from fossil fuels would include the true cost to the planet. That should do it!

Photo: TGV Hydro via Flickr

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Further reading:

UK finalists of 2015 Ashden Awards announced

2015 International Ashden Awards shortlist unveiled

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