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Blue & Green Daily: Friday 13 February headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Shell chief exec calls on industry to engage in climate debate

Countries call on IPCC to make reports more accessible

M&S and Waitrose score top marks on animal welfare

‘No consistent evidence’ links wind farms and adverse health, says study


Dropping public building energy rating ‘beggars belief’


13 February headlines

Fracking will be allowed under national parks, UK decides

Fracking companies will be allowed to drill horizontally under national parks and other protected areas if the wells start just outside their boundaries, after the governed rowed back on its earlier acceptance of new environmental protections. Guardian.


Talks target emissions cap on airline and shipping industries

A move to cap emissions from airline and shipping companies has emerged in talks on the global climate change agreement to be signed in Paris at the end of this year. Financial Times.

Austria says it wont be intimidated by UK in nuclear dispute

Austria said won’t be cowed by alleged British threats over plans by the government in Vienna to contest state subsidies for a new nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point in southwest England. Bloomberg.


Ocean carbon releases ‘ended last Ice Age’

Carbon dioxide escaping from the depths of the ocean heralded the end of the last Ice Age, a study suggests. Its releases into the atmosphere drove the shift towards a warmer period according to scientists. BBC.

Peru planning highway through most biodiverse place on earth

The Manu national park and its buffer zone in Peru was names the top of the world’s list of natural protected areas in terms of amphibian and reptile diversity last year and is not under threat from extension of national ‘jungle highway’. Guardian.



Interesting picks

World leaders should take advantage of low oil prices to ditch fossil fuel subsidies – Guardian

‘Crazy’ energy ideas are long-term bets – Financial Times

Sustainable investing helps your portfolio do well and do good – Market Watch


The top 10 corporate sustainability stories to watch in 2015 – Guardian

Photo: Freedee via Freeimages


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