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Blue & Green Daily: Friday 19 June headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Pope encyclical: we need a new dialogue to shape the future of our planet

Government plans to end onshore wind subsidies early

European Commission urged to adopt circular economy measures

Thousands urge MPs to tackle climate change


Renewable energy makes good pension investment return, according to new poll


19 June headlines

Climate aid key to Paris deal, says Amber Rudd

Climate aid to developing countries is likely to be the biggest sticking point hindering a global deal at the UN climate talks in Paris later this year, according to the UK’s energy and climate secretary. Guardian.


Scotland attacks ‘irrational’ onshore wind decision

Scotland’s government has described the decision by UK ministers to end subsidies for onshore wind a year early as “deeply regrettable” and “irrational”. Financial Times.

Government ordered to publish redacted fracking report in full

A heavily-redacted government report on the impacts of fracking on house prices, businesses and services in rural areas must be published in full, the UK’s information commissioner has ruled. Guardian.


Libor trial: Hayes handed over UBS ’instruction manual’ on rigging, prosecution says

The first trader to stand on trial in a global investigation into Libor-rigging told prosecutors in 2013 that UBS had circulated “an instruction manual on fixing Libor”, a court heard today. Telegraph.


Interesting picks

Wind farm subsidies: political interest trumps national interest – Guardian


Pope Francis on climate change: 10 things we’ve learnt – Telegraph

Photo: Freedee via Freeimages


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