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Blue & Green Daily: Friday 9 January headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Labour seeks fracking restrictions to protect drinking water

Low-carbon technologies and social impact both investment trends to watch

Study: majority of fossil fuel reserves must remain unburnt

Shell agrees £55m payout over Niger Delta oil spill



9 January headlines

Mayor’s failure to clean up London’s air pollution ‘risks children’s health’

London mayor Boris Johnson is risking children’s health by blocking action to clean up London’s poor air quality, the city’s former deputy mayor has claimed. Guardian.

David Cameron will refuse TV debates if Greens excluded


Prime Minister David Cameron has said he will not take part in TV debates ahead of the general election unless the Green Party is also included. BBC.

Prepare for rising migration driven by climate change, governments told

Governments should plan for increased relocations for millions of people likely to be displaced by natural disasters and extreme weather linked to global warming, scientists warn. Guardian.

Standard Chartered shuts equities operation and culls 2,000 more jobs


The Standard Chartered boss Peter Sands took the axe to businesses and staff again yesterday as he continued to grapple with the task of turning the emerging markets bank around. Independent.

Bank of America warns of ‘lethal’ damage to China’s financial system as deflation deepens

China is at mounting risk of a financial crisis this year as growth sputters and deflationary pressures trigger a wave of defaults, Bank of America has warned. Telegraph.



Interesting picks

Opec should consider impact of climate change – Financial Times

Impact investor shares lessons of over 100 investments – Forbes

Why is Bill Gates drinking human faeces – Telegraph

NASA takes climate change study to the air – Gizmag


Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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