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Blue & Green Daily: Monday 22 June headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

‘Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did she die in vain?’

Climate finance key to securing strong climate change deal, says Amber Rudd

UN: insurance industry must play role in shaping more sustainable future

Wind power industry set to lose thousands of jobs


Elephant poaching hotspots revealed


22 June headlines

Earth ‘entering new extinction phase’ – US study

The Earth has entered a new period of extinction, a study by three US universities has concluded, and humans could be among the first causalities. BBC.


Pope Francis suggests those in weapons industry can’t call themselves Christian

People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian, Pope Francis said on Sunday. Guardian.

Fracking poses ‘significant’ risk to human health and should be temporarily banned across EU, says new report

A major new scientific study has concluded that the controversial gas extraction technique known as fracking poses a “significant” threat to human health and British wildlife. Independent.


Japan asked to proves its whaling is for scientific research

The International Whaling Commission has demanded that Japan provide more information to prove that its revises Antarctic whaling programme was for scientific research. Guardian.

Quieter wind turbines one step closer after Cambridge University scientists develop wing-like technology

Wind turbines could be made considerable quieter in the future after Cambridge University scientist developed a new material based on the unique downy wings that allow owls to fly silently. Independent.



Interesting picks

Don’t close your eyes: waking up to climate change – Guardian

Renewables still need support – Financial Times

How climate doubters lost a papal fight – Independent


Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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