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Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 23 January headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Benefits Street residents are not the real problem; it’s those who work in the Square Mile and Wall Street

Stan Collymore is right to draw attention to Twitter’s (ir)responsibilities

Majority of financial advisers would vote to remain in the EU and the UK to remain united

EU agrees on 40% emissions cut and 27% renewables targets

83% of British women support ethical investment


January 23 headlines

Energy experts warn on Labour promise to freeze bills

An influential consultancy says that Labour’s promise to freeze energy bills risks harming competition in energy markets by squeezing out independent suppliers. The report added that independent suppliers had had a “transformational impact” on the market in recent years leading to it being the most “competitive it has ever been”. Financial Times.

NASA confirms global warming trend

According to data from scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the earth is getting warmer. Studies show that 2013 was the seventh warmest year since 1880 when record where first compiled. Significantly nine out of the ten warmest years in this period have occurred since 2000. Telegraph.

EON runs down power stations despite blackout warning

E.ON is to shut one gas-fired power station and expects to reduce output at three others despite continued warnings from the National Grid and other the Britain faces a capacity crunch and potential blackouts. Guardian.

UK must cut green goals back in line with Europe’s, manufacturers say

Ministers faced fresh calls to review the UK’s unilateral legally-binding green goals after Europe unveiled targets that appear to allow a slower pace of decarbonisation. The Chancellor has also said that Britain should not be “out there in front of the rest of the world” or its European partners in tackling climate change. Telegraph.


Interesting picks

What will happen to global warming when we get the next big El Nino? – Guardian

Weeny, weedy, weaky: the EU’s new climate plan – Ecologist

Ten predictions for social investment in 2014 – Civil Society

The sustainable recovery: where next for business investment – Economic Voice

A lack of trust is standing in the way of sustainable collaborations – Guardian


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