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Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 27 November headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Responsible investment still being viewed as detrimental to returns

INEOS bids to become biggest player in UK shale with $1bn investment

UN ethical tourism efforts praised

Research finds Antarctic ice thicker than previously thought


The DoNation surpasses crowdfunding target


27 November headlines

Risk from extreme weather set to rise

Climate change and population growth will hugely increase the risk to people from extreme weather, a report says. The Royal Society estimates the risk to individuals will rise more than four fold and the drought risk will treble. BBC.


Reflecting sunlight into space has terrifying consequences, say scientists

Fighting global warming by reflecting sunlight back into space risks “terrifying” consequences, including droughts and conflicts, according to three major new analyses of the promise and perils of geoengineering. Guardian.

US revives plan to tighten ozone limits

Air quality standards that would cut the allowed concentration of smog-creating ozone in the atmosphere have been revived by the Obama administration, after being shelved in 2011 because of concerns about their effect on the economy. Financial Times.


Bee parasite will flourish under global warming, study warns

Climate change threatens the survival of the UK’s honey bee population, new academic research has claimed. An exotic parasite that targets the insects is set to flourish in northern Europe if the Earth continues to warm. Guardian.


Interesting picks

Watering down the Climate Act would be headline-chasing populism – Guardian


Other options exist to make carbon capture and storage viable – Financial Times

Communicating climate change: a story of apocalypse, money and mind-games – Huffington Post

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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