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Blue & Green Daily: Wednesday 19 March headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

My budget 2014: Julian Parrott, ethical financial adviser

Sustainable transport: to fly, or not to fly?

Green ISAs: it’s not too late to resurrect an inspired idea

Budget 2014: investors say shelving low-carbon policies would be ‘reckless’


Leaked IPCC report warns of social and economic impact of climate change


19 March headlines

Climate change is putting the world at risk of irreversible changes, scientists warn

The world is at growing risk of “abrupt, unpredictable and potentially irreversible changes” because of a warming climate, America’s premier scientist society has warned. The organisation urged Americans to act swiftly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower the risks of leaving a climate catastrophe for future generations. Guardian.


Green rule shutting power plants threaten UK shortage

The UK risks power shortages because utilities may react to Europe’s toughest carbon-emissions rules by closing plants without replacing them. The amount of electricity available over peak demand may drop below 2% next year, the lowest level in western Europe, the nation’s energy regulator says. Bloomberg.

Budget 2014: £140m extra funding expected for flood defences

George Osborne is set to announce £140 million of new funding for repairing and improving flood defences in his budget statement, following a series of storms that buffeted England and Wales during the wettest winter for at least 250 years. Guardian.


UK ‘challenger’ banks plan listings worth £10bn

New UK banks are preparing for stock market listings aimed at raising a total of £10 billion – in an indication of investor demand for “challengers” in a recovering sector. Up to 10 retail banks are expected to launch initial public offerings between now and 2016, tripling the number of UK listed banking groups. Financial Times.


Interesting picks

Sustainable investing comes of age – Business Day


The global Transition tipping point has arrived – vive la revolution – Guardian

‘ISAs, not pensions, can defuse savings time bomb’ – Telegraph


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