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Blue & Green Daily: Wednesday 23 April headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Energy supplier switching times to be halved

Urbanisation and ‘green cities’ on the agenda for Earth Day 2014

‘Freedom to frack’ on private land sparks outrage

Co-operative Bank’s troubles blamed on governance


More research needed into health impacts of fracking, experts warn


23 April headlines

Eight renewable energy project approved

Eight major renewable energy projects, expected to support 8,000 jobs, have been given government approval, The contracts, which include offshore wind farms and conversions of coal-powered plants to run on biomass, are the first awarded under the government’s energy market reforms. BBC.


Vince Cable warns FTSE 100 firms on ‘excessive’ executive pay

Vince Cable has warned the paymasters of Britain’s biggest companies that they must do more to keep a lid on rising executive pay. In a letter to the chairman of the remuneration committee of the FTSE 100 he said unless more is done to keep pay down he might have to take “further action”. Telegraph.

Apple: climate change is real and it’s a real problem

Climate change is real and a real problem for the world, Apple said as it announced its progress on environmental targets. The technology company claims that 94% of its corporate facilities and 100% of its data centres are now powered by renewable energy source. The company added, “We feel the responsibility to consider everything we do in order to reduce our impact on the environment.” Guardian.


El Nino could start as early as July

An El Nino weather phenomenon, which can trigger extreme weather patterns around the world and disrupt commodities markets, could start as early as July, according to a leading forecaster. Six of the seven weather model suggest sea surface temperatures in the Pacific could exceed El Nino thresholds in July. Financial Times.

Europe braces for gas showdown with Russia, helped by Japan’s nuclear restart

The western powers are scrambling to bolster defence against a halt in Russian gas supplies after the Kremlin tightened the energy noose in Ukraine, and paramilitary actions in eastern Ukraine increased the risk of a full-blown sanctions war. Telegraph.



Interesting picks

A wake up call on the impacts of climate change – Financial Times

The fight against fracking continues – and I’m proud to rejoin it – Guardian

A barrage of lawsuits is needed to curb climate change – Independent


A united Europe can end Russia’s energy stranglehold – Financial Times

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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