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Blue & Green Daily: Wednesday 25 February headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

48,000 people have already voted for policies: Have you?

Companies turning to social media to communicate sustainability

EU calls for 60% emission cut by 2050

George Osborne urged to deliver a green Budget


Report: UK will need to import half of food to meet 2040 demand


25 February headlines

US sea level north of New York City ‘jumped by 128mm’

Ea levels north of New York City rose by 128mm in two years, according to a report in the journal Nature Communications. Costal areas will need to prepare for short-term and extreme sea levels events, say US scientists. BBC.


European carbon market reform set for 2019

Reforms to strengthen the EU’s flagship policy for cutting carbon, the emissions trading scheme, will start at the end of 2018, following a vote by MEPs on Tuesday. Guardian.

Climate change authority loses its chairman

The world’s leading climate change authority has lost its chairman after Rajendra Pachauri resigned amid allegations he has sexually harassed a junior female colleague. Financial Times.


Organic UK food sales defy market downturn to rise 4% in 2014

Sales of organic food and drink products have bounced back, rising by 4% last year at a time of tumbling food prices and spending. Guardian.

Badger cull extended across country if we win election, Tories say

Liz Truss, the environment secretary, says badger culling should take place across the country after trials show it reduces cases of bovine tuberculosis. Telegraph.



Interesting picks

The case exists for forging an energy union in Europe – Financial Times

As sea levels rise, climate change threatens entire Pacific cultures – RTCC

Led by European Union, industrialised countries to start unveiling climate change strategies this week – Huffington Post


India’s tiger success story may be based on inaccurate census, says study – Guardian

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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