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The Importance of VILT in Blended Learning for Green Businesses

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There are a lot of things that companies can do to try to be eco-friendlier. One option is to rely more on digital technology.

Eco-friendly businesses are looking for new ways to educate their employees to operate more sustainably. This requires them to partake in new training practices that help them learn to lower their carbon footprints.

A growing number of businesses are trying to train their employees remotely. There is growing evidence that remote work has a lower carbon footprint. Therefore, it stands to reason that companies can lower their carbon footprint by using digital learning programs, such as VILT.

There are a number of environmental benefits of online learning programs. You just have to take advantage of them.


VILT Can Be the Cornerstone for Training Programs at Eco-Friendly Buusinesses

Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT) is critical to the success of blended learning programs. VILT is a sort of online training that is conducted in real time by an instructor. This implies that learners can communicate with the instructor and with one another as if they were sitting in a physical classroom.

Blended learning programs, also referred to as mixed-mode learning programs, integrate online and offline training approaches. They are more suited for remote and go-to-market teams. Because the training programs are flexible, all participants can attend the courses on their own time and benefit from the participatory manner of learning at play.

Since the program can be done remotely, this can also lead to a lower carbon footprint. The students and instructors won’t need to travel to a site to conduct the lessons, which means that less gas needs to be used. This will obviously lower the carbon footprint in the process.

Training methodology has changed greatly in response to changing times and the needs of the learning sector. In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at the notion of VILT, blended learning and its benefits, and the role of VILT in blended learning programs. It will help you comprehend the essence of each strategy in both a single and integrated perspective, allowing for more informed decision-making. Let us get started!


What Is Blended Learning, And How Does It Benefit Eco-Friendly Organizations?

We will get into more detail on the benefits of using VILT for handling learning programs at eco-friendly organizations. However, it is first important to understand the basis of VILT.

Blended learning is a technique of training delivery that blends online and in-person instruction. It gives learners more control over their learning by allowing them to do certain coursework online at their own pace and schedule using various eLearning methods such as microlearning, quick eLearning, game-based learning, and so on. Furthermore, it allows learners to receive rapid feedback and ask questions face-to-face.

One benefits of blended learning is that it can be tailored to the learner’s needs. For instance, if a learner is struggling with a particular idea, an instructor can provide additional assistance during the in-person segment of the class. Furthermore, because learners do not need to go to a central location, blended learning can be less expensive than traditional training techniques. Other advantages include greater engagement, retention, and learning flexibility.

Blended learning does have certain pitfalls. One of the difficulties with this sort of teaching is that it necessitates that learners have reliable internet and computer devices. Furthermore, because learners do not receive all of their training in person, blended learning can sometimes be less engaging than traditional approaches.


In this case, VILT comes in handy to address these shortcomings because learners can contact the facilitator if they’ve missed something vital caused by unexpected, unavoidable situations. VILT also attempts to increase engagement by incorporating interactive multimedia, such as videos and music, as well as other elements, such as breakout rooms, polls, online chats, and so on, which engage participants and drive them to respond.

VILT is very helpful for helping companies lower their carbon footprints when conducting online training. They want to minimize the amount of driving needed, which helps people reduce carbon emissions.

Virtual Instructor-led Training Overview

In its most basic form, instructor-led virtual classes training refers to training offered virtually through online platforms. It’s a synchronous learning format in which the instructor and learners are expected to be present simultaneously but not necessarily in the same location for learning to occur.

VILT has many benefits over traditional face-to-face training, including the potential to reach a worldwide audience, save money on travel, and conduct training in a more flexible style. However, one of the most significant benefits of VILT is that it enables learners to obtain just-in-time training that is tailored to their unique needs. In other words, learners can receive personalized instruction matched to their specific learning goals.


This is significant because it guarantees that participants get the most out of the training and can apply what they’ve learned to their job tasks. Furthermore, VILT allows learners to raise questions and gain explanations from a professional instructor in real-time by using features such as the raising palm option, chat, etc. 

The Importance Of VILT In Blended Learning Programs

  • VILT can be used to enhance other forms of online training formats, like web-based training, mobile learning, microlearning, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), and so on, as part of a blended learning program. For instance, if learners struggle to grasp a concept discussed in an eLearning module, the instructor may go over it once more during the VILT session. This enables students to receive rapid feedback and clarification on issues with which they are struggling. VILT can also be used to provide reinforcement once learners have concluded an eLearning course or other training.
  • Simply assigning the coursework is ineffective for effective learning. VILT assists the instructor in laying the groundwork for the training course by providing an outline or roadmap. It promotes improved interaction between learners and facilitators, resulting in greater clarity about how the training program will evolve. As a result, trainers can adapt the content to the virtual environment according to the needs of the learners, making the most of the training session.
  • Learning can take place both alone and in groups. But which is the best? VILT in blended learning enables both formats since learners can complete classes at their own pace and then participate in an interactive session with the supervisor and coworkers. The virtual session encourages engagement and collaborative efforts through various activities and projects, allowing each learner to gain a new viewpoint and understanding. It also serves as a break in the monotony of online learning when a learner may feel stuck or detached.

Another critical advantage of employing VILT for your blended learning program is that it helps link the information and knowledge gained in training sessions with what is really applied in your organization.

The trainer can serve as a source of information, informing learners about the actual application of the training sources and how to apply the learning in their daily lives. Many businesses are seeing improved results throughout the board due to advanced blended learning strategies. 

VILT Can Help Companies Lower their Carbon Footprint

Reuters published a great article on ways companies can lower their carbon footprint from business travel. However, companies may want to seriously consider eliminating the need for business travel in the first place. This includes handling training sessions online, so employees and instructors don’t need to travel.

Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT) is critical to the success of blended learning programs. VILT offers just-in-time training tailored to the participant’s needs and enables real-time interaction between instructors and participants. VILT can also enhance other forms of training, such as eLearning or on-the-job training. By implementing virtual instructor-led training into your blended learning programs, you can provide your learners with a more well-rounded learning experience.


This can do wonders for companies trying to be eco-friendlier. They won’t need to have people travel as much, which will be better for the planet.

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