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Introducing a Blue & Green friend: Natural Collection



Each day we’re introducing one, two or three of our new affiliate friends. If you click through the link in this article, the link is tracked and may generate a small payment to us. Sometimes the payment is per click, per user, per application, per accepted application or any combination of the above. That payment funds us so we can grow and encourage even more readers to live, spend and invest sustainably. Today it’s the turn of Natural Collection.

Natural Collection is the UK’s leading and award-winning green shop offering a department store range of ecologically considered products including organic cotton and fair trade clothing and accessories, gorgeous homeware and gardenware, energy-saving gadgets, organic cosmetics, eco cleaning products and much more. They check every product so you can purchase from them in eco confidence.

Since 1999, Natural Collection has been at the forefront of ethical retail, promoting fair trade and environmentally considered products. Each item is carefully researched and selected to promote ecological and sustainable manufacturing practices. They support fair trade products in order to help alleviate poverty and to ultimately give poorer communities dignity in the knowledge that their products are selling within a competitive market place and not because of charitable or sympathetic patronage.

Natural Collection‘s philosophy is that small positive choices by the many can have a tremendous impact on their collective ethical evolution.

Natural Collection set out in 1999 with a vision to create a way for consumers to support sustainable innovation and great product ideas. By offering a wide selection of ecologically-considered products and services they hope to reach as wide an audience as possible. They are demonstrating that the basic power of consumer choice can make commercially viable a growing range of top quality ecological products, even within a competitive and well-established market place; products which use modern technology to harness nature’s benefits without exploiting her resources; products which can represent their 21st Century vision where trade is fair and poverty is alleviated through sustainable income generation; and ultimately and ideally, products where holistic consideration stretches right from their inception through their manufacturing process, to the benefit for the end user and eventually to their recyclability and/or bio-degradability.



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