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Top articles of February 2015



February saw the UK’s three main political parties agree to work together on climate change, a move the was labelled a “milestone” and captured the attention of our readers. Other top articles during the month include deforestation and sustainable city rankings, Helena Bonham Carter stripping for marine reserves and climate change being named as one of the greatest risks to human civilisation.

1. Cameron, Clegg and Miliband sign joint climate change agreement

In an unusual move of political consensus the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition have agreed to work together across party lines to tackle climate change. Read more.

2. London named second most sustainable city in world

London has been named the second most sustainable city in the world, beaten only by Germany’s Frankfurt, in an index that explores social, environmental and economic sustainability challenges and solutions. Read more.


3. Unilever and Reckitt Benckiser come out top in deforestation rankings

Only a small minority of ‘powerbrokers’ that control the global supply chains that drive over half of tropical deforestation are equipped to tackle bold zero deforestation commitments, according the Forest 500 rankings. Among these are UK based Reckitt Benckiser, Unilever and HSBC. Read more.

4. OECD: social impact investing ‘increasingly relevant’

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has described the growing social impact investment market as “increasingly relevant”. However, in a report the organisation adds that evidence of the sector achieving its aims is needed if it is to reach its potential. Read more.


5. UK hotel industry could save £38m through water and energy efficiency

The UK hotel industry could save £38 million through installing simple energy and water efficiency measures in just half of rooms, according to SaveMoneyCutCarbon, which works with organisations to reduce energy, water and carbon consumption. Read more.

6. Helena Bonham Carter joins calls for vast UK marine reserves

The UK government is being urged to create vast marine reserves around three overseas territories from a group of more than 100 individuals and organisations, including actress Helena Bonham Carter. Read more.


7. M&S and Waitrose score top marks on animal welfare

Food retailers Marks & Spencer and Waitrose have both scored top marks in a global annual farm animal welfare benchmark. The benchmark can be used as a tool for investors to manage risk and return within the food sector. Read more.

8. Climate change among greatest threats to human civilisation

Extreme climate change has been listed as one of the global challenges that pose the greatest threat to human civilisation in a new report. The paper aims to inspire collaborative action from global leaders. Read more.


9. Report urges tech firms to embrace circular economy

As technology devices are increasingly becoming more carbon intensive, a new report is urging technology firms to embrace a circular economy business model and extend the life of mobile devices. Read more.

10. Less than half of top asset managers disclosing responsible investment policies

Asset managers are failing to “walk the talk” on stewardship and responsible investment, according to responsible investment charity ShareAction, after a report revealed that just 42% of asset managers assessed disclose policies on how they incorporate environmental and social considerations into the investment process. Read more.


Photo: Jim Trodel via Flickr


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