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6 Ways To Overcome Cash Flow Challenges as a Green Business

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - 2285258009 | by Kim Kuperkova



A growing number of entrepreneurs are trying to start eco-friendly businesses. They want to adopt social missions that involve helping the planet and making things better for everyone. Many of them also want to appease the growing number of consumers that are concerned about sustainability. A poll from McKinsey found 66% of consumers (including 75% of millennial consumers) consider sustainability when making a purchase.

Many green business owners believe that they are destined to be profitable, since so many customers want to support eco-friendly businesses these days. Unfortunately, the situation is often much  more bleak than they would like.

Back in 1994, Harvard Business Review published an article titled “The Challenge of Going Green.” Of course, this was published two decades before the green revolution. However, a couple of years ago, Harvard Business School professor Geoffrey Jones made a similar conclusion. It is very difficult for green businesess to be profitable.

The harsh reality is that green businesses are going to have challenges. They will need to do their due diligence, which includes monitoring their cash flow.


Dealing with Cash Flow Issues as a Green Business

When running a business, cash flow is king. Green businesses are no exception. A holistic view of the world and desire to help the planet won’t pay the bills on its own.

With an adequate cash flow, your green business should be able to pay its bills on time, meet payroll obligations, or invest in growth opportunities. Fortunately, you can use plenty of strategies to overcome cash flow challenges and keep your business on the path to success. There’s no denial that these tips and tricks will help you run your business smoothly and avoid any cash flow challenges.

Here in this post, we will explore six ways for green businesses to manage and improve your cash flow.

1. Speed up payment collection

One of the most effective ways to improve cash flow is to speed up customer payment collection. Send your invoice promptly and follow up aggressively with customers who need to pay their bills. Consider offering incentives for early payment or imposing penalties for late payments.


Another option is debtors financing, which involves using unpaid invoices as collateral for a loan from a lender like Scottish Pacific Business Finance. This can be an effective way to access much-needed funds quickly without taking on additional debt.

If your customers are truly concerned about the environment, then you may want to consider using that angle as a selling point. You can point out to them that you are doing your part to help by adopting eco-friendly business practices. Drive the point home that eco-friendly companies be able to help the world if they can’t stay in business because customers don’t pay their bills on time.

2. Negotiate better terms with suppliers

If you’re struggling with cash flow issues, it’s worth talking with your suppliers about adjusting payment terms. This could mean asking for longer payment windows or negotiating discounts for early payments—both of which can help preserve more cash in your business.

If you are buying from eco-friendly suppliers, then you need to be aware of some of the unique challenges that they are facing. Remember that day are using plastic free or non-toxic materials to make their products. They will be more likely to acquiesce to your request if you show you are understanding about their issues too.


3. Cut operating expenses

According to one of the most recent reports from Forbes, looking at where you’re spending money and making cuts in your expenses where possible is another way to free up more cash in the short term. For example, you can negotiate to lower rent or utility costs or find ways to streamline operations by eliminating unnecessary services or staff positions.

4. Utilize asset-based lending

Asset-based lending involves using assets such as inventory, equipment or machinery as collateral for loans from banks and other financial institutions. This can be attractive if traditional loan options are unavailable due to a lack of credit history or checking account checks. Asset-based lending can provide much-needed funding without increasing liabilities on a balance sheet caused by loans.

5. Leverage lines of credit

A line of credit gives you access to a set amount of money you can draw on whenever you need it without going through the loan application process each time. This can be useful for managing seasonal cash flow fluctuations or unexpected expenses.

6. Consider factoring

Factoring involves selling unpaid accounts receivable to a third-party factoring company at a discount in exchange for immediate payment. While factoring can be expensive, it can provide quick access to cash and minimize the risk of bad debt.


As the demand for sustainable businesses grows in Australia, more eco-friendly businesses are discovering the challenges of keeping their debt in check. This is one of the reasons that debt factoring in Australia is becoming considerably more common.

Green businesses are not immune to cash flow issues

Green businesses are doing a lot to help make the world a better place. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that they are going to be more profitable or have stronger cash flow. As an eco-friendly entrepreneur, you need to do everything possible to deal with cash flow issues. Fortunately, the strategies listed above can be of help. Another effective strategy can be generating solar leads by attracting potential leads interested in solar energy products or services. This can boost sales, enhance market presence, and positively impact cash flow.

In conclusion, there are many strategies that businesses can use to overcome cash flow challenges and maintain financial stability. Businesses have numerous options, from negotiating better terms with suppliers to leveraging asset-based lending and exploring alternative solutions like debtors financing. 

The key is to take a proactive approach and regularly assess your cash flow situation so that you can make informed decisions about where to allocate resources. Remember these tips as you work towards stabilising your business’s finances and achieving long-term success.


Remember, improving cash flow takes time – it requires careful planning and consistent effort. Feel free to seek guidance from financial advisors or business mentors with experience managing cash flow challenges. By staying proactive, making smart financial decisions, and utilizing a variety of financing options where appropriate, like debtors financing or asset-based lending, you can keep your business on track for success even in the face of cash flow obstacles.

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