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Protest At Westminster In Support Of Wind Power Protest At Westminster In Support Of Wind Power


Protest At Westminster In Support Of Wind Power



WWF Scotland director Lang Banks has reacted to today’s protest in Westminster by campaign group 10:10 highlighting public support for wind power with the following statements.

“Well done to 10:10 for coordinating this protest and bringing the voices of the many thousands who support wind power in Scotland and the rest of the country to Westminster.

It’s important that our politicians know that support for renewables, especially onshore wind, remains high particularly here in Scotland

“It’s important that our politicians know that support for renewables, especially onshore wind, remains high particularly here in Scotland. The reality is that when given a choice the public will always support clean renewables over polluting fossil fuels or nuclear power.

“As well as powering our homes and businesses, renewables are helping to cut carbon and support over 20,000 jobs in Scotland alone. With such great public support, we hope politicians will continue to move forward with the deployment of wind power.”


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