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Skill Shortage Relieved By Bright New Energy Graduates



InnoEnergy’s first Master’s School sees its first 75 innovative, young minded graduates enter the job market.

The InnoEnergy Master’s School, which offers students in the field of energy the unique opportunity to study engineering and entrepreneurship, unveiled its first 75 graduates at a ceremony on Friday.

The inaugural graduation took place at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and speeches were given by stakeholders from across the InnoEnergy community. The community is made of InnoEnergy employees, students, innovators and the energy industry.

During the ceremony the graduates were awarded certificates across five programmes: MSc clean fossil and alternative fuels energy; MSc energy for smart cities; MSc Smart Electrical Networks and Systems; MSc renewable energy; and MSC smart grids.

“InnoEnergy is all about impact, and impact comes when you make your dreams a reality. These bright minds will be a great asset to the industry. We have equipped them with the right skills to plug the industry’s skills shortage,” said Henrik Svensson, Master School Manager during his address.


“Be brave out there. Energy is high on Europe’s political agenda. You have a challenge in front of you. My advice is to go for it and be part of the change.”

Speeches also focused on the growth of InnoEnergy’s ecosystem, which includes nurturing start-ups and accelerating business development, and the impact this could have on graduates’ careers. Elena Bou, InnoEnergy Innovation Director, said: “Up to now we have supported 170 start-ups, which have raised more than 38 million euros in the last three years. Eighty of those start-ups are already selling in the market and we have reduced the time to market from eight years to 18 months.”

The InnoEnergy Master’s School is made up of seven programmes, covering a range of subjects considered crucial to meeting today’s global energy challenges. Students study at two different top-class universities across Europe, and achieve a double-degree in two years.

Applications are now open for the MSc clean fossil and alternative fuels energy and European Masters in nuclear energy. For more information and to apply visit the InnoEnergy Master School website.


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