An international team of scientists have attached sensors to Arctic sea ice to measure this year’s summer melt in a massive, unprecedented experiment. The study will...
Extreme Realities investigates how weather patterns are changing rapidly and how climate change is causing it. It also effectively links these issues to other problems such...
In 2013 almost all climate indicators – high temperatures, rising sea levels, Arctic sea ice coverage – were consistent with a globally warming planet, according to...
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has called for Britons to take five simple actions to help bees thrive, creating a favourable environment for...
The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), a controversial climate-sceptic thinktank, will be forced to restructure after the Charity Commission ruled its purpose is political, not charitable....
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
A study analysing search patterns on Google has found people look up more information on climate change after periods of unusual or severe weather. It is...
The sums invested in bonds related to climate change have rapidly grown in the last year, a new report shows. The investment vehicle is entering the...
The UK government published reform measures in a blueprint on Wednesday, which are aimed at helping the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) improve and encourage a...
Former Irish president Mary Robinson has been nominated as special envoy for climate change by the UN secretary general, due to a “degree of urgency” in...
Policies focused on cutting carbon emissions have played a crucial role in getting the UK’s stalling automotive sector back on the road, according to a new...
Owen Paterson has been sacked as environment secretary as a part of a government reshuffle, with his critics welcoming the move. Paterson has previously been the...
Compared to data collected in the 20th century, rainfall levels in Southern Australia are expected to drop by 40% – creating an Australian forever-drought. The report,...
The first budget of India’s newly elected government has put aside considerable sums of money to promote renewable energy and tackle climate change. Prime minister Narendra...
A new study by the EU’s Joint Research Centre has found that if global temperatures increase by 3.5C climate change damages by 2080 could be in...