Survivors of Christmas spending are being encouraged to start the holiday season with a charitable spirit, by a viral campaign, backed by prominent philanthropists such as...
As we celebrate another day of consuming far more than the Earth can sustainably provide, it’s worth sparing a thought to the origin of that word:...
What if we could continue to live comfortable lives and buy interesting and exciting products without damaging something or someone somewhere along the value chain? What...
What if we could continue to live comfortable lives and buy interesting and exciting products without damaging something or someone somewhere along the value chain? What...
As 2013 begins to wither in to the distance, Ben Goulder looks to 2014 and the recent announcement that next year’s Fairtrade Fortnight will take place...
Halloween is a big business. In the UK between 2001 and 2010, retailers reported an astronomical rise in Halloween-related spending, from £12m to £280m. This year,...
Well-known for its flatpack furniture and Swedish meatballs, retail giant Ikea is looking to crack the renewables market, too. Steve Howard, chief sustainability officer, reveals why...
Six months ago, over 1,000 people died when a garment factory in Bangladesh collapsed. Many western brands, whose apparel was manufactured in the factory, were subsequently...
It is six months since one of the world’s worst factory disasters occurred in Bangladesh, killing nearly 1,200 people and affecting thousands more. But what can...
Since the turn of the 20th century, ‘consuming’ has gradually become more and more central to our way of life. Consuming is no longer just a...
The order of these words matters. Invest, spend, vote. We get to vote in a general election once every five years. We tend to spend only...
We need to think of empty spaces as blank canvases, rather than shadows of what they once were, argues Fiona King of Healthy Planet. Empty retail...
Nick Clegg has announced plans to introduce a mandatory charge of 5p for plastic carrier bags in supermarkets, giving retailers the option to donate funds raised...
Yesterday, we brought you our top 10 most popular news articles from 2013 so far. We’re following that up with the top 10 most popular features,...
Measuring your carbon footprint can be a complex process. How Bad Are Bananas? gives the carbon footprint on a wide variety of products, activities and food,...