‘Green commerce’ isn’t a trendy phrase anymore. Customers want businesses to make meaningful efforts to develop more sustainable business practices. Nearly 70% of customers have said...
There was a time in the early 2010s when going digital caused havoc. Different banks, schools, businesses made the switch from paper to digital. However, those...
There is more focus on green living and sustainable business practices than ever before. This is due to the growing concerns about the problems that climate...
The American Marketing Association put out an interesting post a couple of years ago. They talked about the growing need for eco-friendly web design practices. If...
There is a growing movement to encourage businesses to embrace sustainability. A recent survey found that 62% of customers feel that companies should do more to...
Are you considering making the transition towards running a more sustainable business? This will be a good change to make, since eco-friendly business practices are more...
Many people think that the trend of going green is just another trend that will slowly become less and less popular. Even though this was the...
Human resource professionals should play a prominent role in creating and implementing sustainability in the workplace. These strategies should have a big impact on business processes,...
Interest in eco-friendly businesses is booming. Although 60% of customers blame oil companies for problems leading to climate change, they recognize that other companies are playing...
As climate change poses continuing threats to the economy and environment, many businesses are in the pursuit of sustainability in their operations and decision-making. This is...
The property sector is the latest industry to tackle eco-friendliness. Across the globe, green is the new black. Sustainable homes are on the rise, eco-friendly interior design...
Many companies are discovering the importance of going green. Recent polls have shown that around 70% of customers claim that they believe companies should embrace sustainability,...
You created an eco-friendly business to make a living and help the planet at the same time. Unfortunately, both of these goals will be for naught...
You may be working for or running an eco-friendly business, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t invest in new technology. In fact, eco-friendly businesses often...
If you have a small-to-medium sized business, you might be wondering how you can make it more eco-friendly. There are a lot of different ways in...