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Juliet Davenport Juliet Davenport


Approval For Hinkley C Plans Is Rumoured To Be Today Or Tomorrow



Chief Executive and founder of renewable energy company Good Energy, Juliet Davenport OBE, has voiced her concerns ahead of the decision on Hinkley C.

She said: “The decision to go ahead with Hinkley C is a bad move. It will take at least a decade to build and leave our grandchildren an inheritance of high energy costs, hazardous waste, security worries, and a plant that needs complex and costly decommissioning. No wonder only 36% of the British public support nuclear, compared to a whopping 76% for renewables.

“The same future generations that will blame us for Hinkley, could instead thank us for a legacy of investment in renewables.

“The transition to renewables is inevitable and brimming with economic opportunity – the UK should embrace it.”

A spokesperson from Good Energy is available for interviews and guest slots to give insight and analysis on the decision.

For interview please call 01249 478 344 or 07703 727 838 or email
