In collaboration with EINE, one of the world’s most renowned street artists, The Body Shop has called upon the power of their customers and have raised over...
This week Okehampton-based biomass wood fuel distributor, Forest Fuels, have been announced as South West Green Energy Awards’ top contender for their coveted Installer of the Year...
The Met Office has announced a two year contract with ScottishPower Renewable for a VisualEyesTM product. This will enable ScottishPower Renewables to monitor and keep track of...
CARE welcomes the speedy progress of the historic Paris Agreement on climate change. This will now come into action on 4th November 2016. The critical threshold of...
The Executive Director of May Boeve has released the following statement on the occasion of the Paris Climate Agreement’s entry into force. May Boeve stated: “The...
The Paris Agreement has come into force much earlier due to the EU’s decision to fast-track the ratification of the Paris Agreement although all the Members States...
Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland, Iain Gulland, has opened the 2016 Scottish Resources Conference by announcing that Scotland is moving the circular economy from rhetoric into reality...
The Solar Energy UK and Clean Energy Live conferences began yesterday at the NEC in Birmingham. Yesterday was an excellent first day with a packed conference agenda that...
Environmentalists have today called on politicians to build on Scotland’s success of generating renewable electricity and extend this further to other sectors such as heat and transport. The...
A new report by the think tank Green Alliance [1] has found that this December’s ‘capacity market’ auction, aimed to guarantees winter power supply from energy companies, is...
A report released by the renewable energy industry today contains new data that has revealed the extent of energy storage deployment and the industry’s potential future growth...
Today the UK’s leading home battery company, Moixa, has revealed a £4,995 solar-plus-storage package allowing customers to benefit from the smart power revolution. The package, targeted at...
The Solar Trade Association has released a new report [1] which quantifies the cost of integrating solar into the UK power market, for the first time, for today and...
There are less than five days to negotiate a deal between countries at the UN International Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and to initiate a process to control emissions from...
This week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) have announced that air pollution kills 16,000 British people a year. Martin Williams, one of the UK’s leading academics on air...