Ethical investment is a “legitimate, profitable and practical option” for charities that want to make money in sectors that don’t conflict with their core missions, according...
Air pollution from China’s coal plants was responsible for over 250,000 premature deaths in 2011, while also harming hundreds of thousands of Chinese children, according to...
Over the past few years, many consumers have begun to feel a sense of urgency in the need to change their behaviour. This comes from their...
Droughts made more severe by manmade global warming may have been a major driver of the conflict in Syria, scientists have claimed. Estimates of deaths in...
New research has suggested that global warming has not stopped since 1998, as many climate deniers argue. Instead, it has simply manifested in different ways. According...
Yesterday’s news that a record number of customers had switched energy supplier in November is welcome, on the face of it. It remains to be seen...
Mark Wilson looks back at the events of December 1952, when the Great Smog descended upon London, and at how air pollution has worsened globally in...
An alliance of over 100 organisations, including major businesses, investors, charities and trade associations, has urged the UK government to listen to the recommendations of the...
The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth has been discovered in newly analysed satellite data to be an astonishing -93.2C (-135.8F). Unsurprisingly, the coldest place on...
On Tuesday night, BBC Panorama is set to accuse Comic Relief of investing in the tobacco, alcohol and arms industries. Hiding behind the laws of fiduciary...
Israel, Jordan and Palestine have agreed to build a pipeline in order to replenishing the rapidly declining Dead Sea. In a ceremony at the headquarters of...
Conservation charities have warned that numbers of 16 out of the 107 most common birds in Britain have declined because of habitat loss, while 32 species...
China is inadequately prepared in the fight against the impacts of climate change because of a lack of planning and public awareness, the government admitted on...
Pandora’s Promise examines the arguments for nuclear power from an environmental perspective and explores why some people are passionately against it. Regardless of which side of...
Almost half a million homes at significant risk of flooding will not be covered by the government’s new insurance scheme, as officials have not accounted for...