The struggle to save the global environment is in one way much more difficult than the struggle to vanquish Hitler, for this time the war is...
Halloween is a big business. In the UK between 2001 and 2010, retailers reported an astronomical rise in Halloween-related spending, from £12m to £280m. This year,...
As the first French woman who managed a trade union, as the chairwoman and founder of the CSR Rating Agency Vigeo, Nicole Notat has played a...
Fashion brand Komodo has sustainability and fair trade at the heart of its business. It is considered one of the pioneers of ethical fashion. Joe Komodo...
The impressive Grange St Paul’s Hotel in London was the location for the Economist Events’ Infrastructure Summit on Tuesday, during which a wide range of international...
In September, I attended an event hosted by Ford in Frankfurt, introducing journalists to its new electric and hybrid range of cars. The journey itself was...
Payday lenders such as Wonga, QuickQuid and Payday UK have been criticised by consumer groups, politicians and even the archbishop of Canterbury in recent weeks, over...
Big investment houses are often criticised for being the epicentre of unsustainable financial practices. This perspective ignores the efforts that several organisations are making to develop...
The St Jude’s Day storm coverage seemed a little apocalyptic. One listener to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, frustrated at the time devoted to the storm,...
The internal rate of return (IRR) is used to measure and compare the profitability of investments. The rate shows how attractive a project is. If the...
On Thursday last week, I had probably my most positive and interesting meeting with a fund manager, when I met Charlie Thomas of Jupiter Ecology fund,...
We’re hearing a lot about rising energy bills and whether ‘green taxes’ are to blame. Sarah Butler-Sloss, Ashden founder director, doesn’t think so. Let’s get real. As...
Once seen as the leading ethical banking option, the Co-operative Bank has endured a tough 12 months after financing problems led to it unveiling a £1.5...
Earlier this month, restaurant chain Chipotle released a short animated video as part of the advertising campaign for its new game, available on Apple devices, called The Scarecrow....
Mother: Caring for 7 Billion is a documentary that explores one of the factors causing environmental, humanitarian and social crises: population growth. The fast-growing population of...